Hello and welcome to this blogpost for Kobold Tactics, my name is Dan, resident artist and lead for this project. One thing I wanted to do today was talk a little bit about our favorite creature, the Kobold, and more specifically the main character of our game.

Standard red Kobolds in the game are a recruitable minion, with an appearance directly correlating to Red. These little guys =would appear to have more strength in numbers. Which is great for an expendable minion, but it’s not always something you can form a great bond with. I wanted to give the main character a little something special to stand out from the rest of its fellow Kobolds. Here I will outline some of the design points for each class:

Since we are playing the “bad guys” in this game, I wanted to kind of put a more brutal or dark spin on the playable classes. Hence the decision to go with a more tribal and barbarian-esque appearance. This class is also buffer and larger than all the others, and the broken horn shows that they’ve seen their share of battle. Red usually symbolizes martial prowess, fire and rage so I chose the red for ancestry.
Instead of going with the “Pointy hat and starry robe” one would first assume, I decided to make this class more of a dark sorcerer, someone who ponders their orb in the dead of night and laughs mischievously. I went with blue because it symbolizes magic, mystery and the arcane.
Not to be totally biased or anything, but the shaman ended up being my absolute favorite. Cutting off the tip of their tail in a ritualistic devotion to their dragon; coupled with striking warpaint and the tallest horns of the bunch, it gives a primal and brooding energy.
Absolutely the most “urban” of the bunch, the cloak was also one of the most fun to draw. This class also has some of the sharpest elements in a design sense in terms of their horns and tail. The green symbolizes, poison, skill and cunning.
And that just about does it! I’m very excited for the upcoming Capital Creative Showcase, and a chance to show off what we’ve all been working hard for!