It’s been a while since any of us posted a DevBlog, but that doesn’t mean that we haven’t been hard at work ! We’re busy getting prepared for MagWest (, which starts NEXT FRIDAY! Dan, Andrew and I will be there. Dan will be showcasing Snackrifyce, but I’m sure he’d be happy to answer any questions about Kobold Tactics as well. Meanwhile, Andrew and I will be manning the Kobold Tactics table! Firstly, we’ve been hard at work getting some swag ready to go…

We’re going to be holding a contest on Twitter ( for best painted miniature. Third place will get a sweet set of Kobold Tactics themed dice! And if third place is a set of dice, well… I’ll let you use your imagination for what second and first place is going to be!

Of course, swag is great and all, but that’s not why you’re here, is it? Well, we’re also working on a demo that showcases almost an entire vertical slice of Kobold Tactics. Here’s some screenshots of a couple of the new features we’ve added.
To begin with game news, Red’s cave is once again fully explorable!

We also have recruiting up and running! Commander Bubbles will help you out with that.

We’ve also been working on improvement in the combat scene itself. Dan has been working on idle animations (oooooh!) and movement animations! ( aaaaaaah!)

Jonathan has been working on making it easier to distinguish between friend and foe during combat. This comes along with discussions about a general UI overhaul to make combat feel a bit less crowded.

These are just a few things that will make their first showing in the MagWest demo. Check back next Friday to download it and try it out for yourself. And of course, if you’re going to be at MagWest stop by our booth and let us know your thoughts!
See you there!