My name is Daniel! I am the resident artist here with Kobold Tactics. I specialize in Pixel Art, but I have a myriad of experience in other fields such as traditional mediums, animation and 3D generalism. I have a passion for making and creating role-playing games both digital and tabletop!

Chris has been designing games and game modules, with a focus on tabletop roleplaying games, since he was 16 years old. Over time he expanded his horizons to include card games and, more recently, digital games. His major projects for the past several years have been COMIC Roleplay System and Mythos, a story-driven card game. In total he has nearly 20 years experience designing games and content. His game design philosophy focuses on creating unique experiences and new systems while relying on a tested framework for players to be able to fall back on. He firmly believes that players create the best experiences and as a designer his role is to give them the tools to do so. He was one of the foundational members of the Kobold Tactics team, which formed during the Progressive Game Jam in June of 2022.
Jonathan is a 42nd degree Koudo Su-Do master. After code-smashing a hole through the veil that separates the digital dimension from meat reality (with his left pinky), he dove in head first and survived for 487 VR-years (4 years IRL). Jonathan lived on nothing but his brilliance, the number 8, and a Chuck Norris app he wrote that gathered all programming bugs everywhere into a ball and kicked it through the wall of a saloon beyond the Kyperbelt (that was on his first day). After meditating underneath a waterfall of 1s and 0s for the remaining 486.99 years, he returned to the fleshy side, divinely inspired to program the perfect game. We don’t know why he has deigned to join us, but we suspect he was either a kobold in a former life or has a personal vendetta against Elven rogues. There was really no other option for programming staff anyway. In this universe, no more variables in any application can be called by other programmers because Jonathan has already called them all.

Having graduated with a Masters in Composing for Video Games from Thinkspace Education, Andrew is finally living his teenaged dream of writing music for games. A multi-instrumentalist with a stylistic background in a wide variety of genres, he enjoys storytelling and world-building through adaptive music. Andrew’s favorite game themes mirror his unfailingly bright and energetic disposition: Fantasy, sci-fi, retro, and kids games. Paradoxically, Andrew is a father and working professional who miraculously never misses deadlines…except in the case of writing his own bio or other artifacts of self-promotion.
I’m Kevin, a student studying data analytics. I have a passion for music composition and have worked on personal projects for several years now. I love the development process that goes into creating video games, and it’s been my dream ever since I was a kid to become a part of that process. Before joining the Kobold Tactics team, I led a team in the development of a small title named Judgement Day. I’m nowhere near the level of an expert yet, but I’m here for two reasons: To learn as much as I can, and to create something that will bring joy to the lives of those around me.