Creating Promotional Art for Kobold Tactics
In the past I have had trouble with social media and engagement, and at first I had the same issue with this project. Once we started getting more involved, and deep into Kobold Tactics, one of our team members Chris, recommended I do drawings along with our social media posts to help it stand out.
At first it was a challenge to get things like the resolution and style right, but once I got the hang of it, it was super easy to get a general template set so I could get started right away as soon as I heard an idea. Speaking of ideas, it is so nice to have such a creative team, because when I’m stumped on what kind of crazy situation we should put our characters in for the art piece, at least one of our team members comes up with something either really cool or hilarious. In addition, some of our pieces have music created by our talented member Andrew, which only adds to the feeling the post wants to portray.
I have alternated between programs for the posts, a digital illustration style in photoshop, and a pixel art style is Aseprite(which is the same program we use for the games art assets). And what I enjoy is just how fun it is to portray our characters in holidays, or events parallel with the real world, it really helps flesh out their personalities and how they react with each other or more importantly, the Kobold.
Below I have some of our static pieces, and be sure to check out our twitter for some of our animated pieces with music!